Monday, October 25, 2010

Our Cutie

Yep, I'm your cutie!

Thanks for the picture, Auntie Laura!

I don't understand why Julian doesn't just get up and play with me.

Auntie Laura, you are so cool!  Will you teach me piano lessons someday?

 Excuse me, you're blocking my path.

Would you like me to tell you about quantum physics?


Wednesday, October 20, 2010

The Pumpkin Patch

Alli has recently become obsessed with pumpkins.  It seems that everywhere we turn, I hear, "Bobby!  Bobbies!"  (We're not sure why, but the way she says pumpkin sounds more like bobby.)  We went to the pumpkin patch yesterday, and it was a hit.  In fact, she cried when we left!

I like this bobby.

And that bobby too.

I don't like the way that cow is looking at me.

To the bobbies!!

I must inspect every one.

Why won't this one move?

Bobbies, bobbies everywhere!

There are bobbies over here and over there!

I think I want the one waaaaay over there!

Now this is what I'm talkin' about!

The perfect bobby just for me?!  Really?

Bobby and me.

Sunday, October 10, 2010

Words, Spoons, and Puzzles

Yes, I know this is an overdue update....
Alli is almost 15 months old, and we can no longer keep track of her vocabulary.  She says and repeats new words every day, which means it's time to watch what we say!  "Old MacDonald Had a Farm" is her favorite song, and she'll sing along with us.  When she wants us to sing, she'll ask by saying, "E-I-E-I-O... moo moo!"  It's a nice break from "The Itsy-Bitsy Spider."

This morning (after Lisa's guilt trip) I decided it was time to get brave; I handed Alli a spoon and bowl of yogurt.  Casting aside visions of yogurt-covered hair and Cabo happily slurping strawberry goodess off the the kitchen floor, I held my breath.  As it turns out, I had absolutely nothing to worry about!
I don't know why Mom was so worried. 

There's nothing to it!

(Just experimenting.)

I can't waste any of it!

You underestimate me. 

I'm a BIG girl!

I'll bet ice cream scoops up just as easily!

All done, see?

What's for dessert?

Alli is quite good at completing her wooden puzzles.  She can easily put the pieces in the right spot, but now she's turned it into a game.  She'll pick up a piece, purposely put it in the wrong spot and say, "Nooooo!" before moving to another incorrect spot and saying it again.  This continues until she's tried every incorrect place before smiling and putting it on the right spot.  So silly!

Yes, I like to do all four of my puzzles at once.

It goes... there.

 Yes, I took this out of a cupboard that I don't belong in...

... but you can't possibly get mad at this face, can you?

Giraffe hugs!

My parents wish I was this innocent all the time. :)

Excuse me... I'm talking to you!

Hahahahahahahaha.... I have you all right where I want you!