Thursday, March 24, 2011

A Growing Imagination... and Yard Work

Alli is developing quite an imagination.  The other day, she  put on a bracelet and announced, "I'm gonna go to the store and buy some milk!" and then headed to the garage.  Apparently the bracelet was more handy than her purse.  Yesterday, she took a bite of her toast at breakfast, looked at it, and excitedly said, "A seahorse!"  Yep, her toast then somewhat resembled her seahorse bath toy.  One of her latest favorite books is Cinderella.  She pulled it off of the shelf, pointed to Cinderella, and said, "Cinderella."  She then pointed to Prince Charming and said, "Daddy!"  Um... sure, Alli.  Oh, Mike definitely  liked that one!  Yep, she has a wild imagination!

Always loving the books.

 I must pick the very best orange before "opening" it.

Hey, do you think you could take a break with the camera because I really am stuck here!

 Hey, Julian, can I have some?

 Um... thanks?

 Did I just get Julian cooties?

 Just kidding!  I liked it!

 Julian, you're such a good helper!

Yesterday was such a productive day in the yard.  For once, the weather was warm and sunny!  While Mom and Dad weeded and pruned, Daddy put me to work picking up pinecones off of the grass.

 This is so easy!

 See ya, pinecone!

 Hmm... after the 50th pinecone, I might be getting a bit bored of this....

 Oh, what's one more?

Daddy said something about child labor, whatever that means.

I am such a good helper!

And a cute one, too!

Sunday, March 13, 2011

In case you haven't heard...

...this shirt will be true around September 1st!!

I'm sorry we've been so behind on our blog.  Life has been pretty crazy around here, but we should be back to normal now (hopefully)!

I'm going to be a pretty cute big sister!

Practicing for my win at the Oscars.

Strike a pose.

I'm never going to lose these cheeks!

Don't worry, I wil always set a good example for my liitle brother or sister.  (Yes, we know that Mommy writes these captions.  She can dream all she wants.)

Didn't know I had a belly button, did you?

Watching Daddy mow the lawn.

Just too silly!