Wednesday, June 30, 2010


Cheerios make a great snack.

Ooh, Mom never lets me have my own bowl.

Hmm... dropped a couple.

Let's do this right!

See?  This is much more efficient!

I seemed to have dropped a couple more....

Oh, well.  Tastes good to me!

(And then Mom vacuumed.)

Monday, June 28, 2010

Random Cuteness




I know I dropped a strawberry in here somewhere...

I can't let it go to waste!

Alli's new favorites:  Strawberries, watermelon, and BLUEBERRIES!

Puzzles are verrrrry serious business.

Poster child.

Um... yeah... this ponytail didn't exactly survive naptime.

Tuesday, June 22, 2010

First Words, First Steps

At 9 months old, Alli began saying "Uh!" each time something fell on the floor.  We kept waiting for her to tack on the "oh" at the end, but she's just too efficient for that.  The great debate:  Do we really call this a word??  It's been a tough decision.  Mike really wanted to claim Dada as her first word, but when she calls me Dada, Cabo Dada, and every toy, magnet, and sippy cup Dada, I'm not convinced.  When we were in the grocery store one day a couple of months ago, Alli looked at me and said, "Uh!"  I smiled, kept pushing the cart, and then thought, "Wait a minute...."  I looked back at the floor and saw her shoe.  Thank you, Alli, for telling me that your shoe fell off; it was wonderful not having to go back in there to hunt for it after discovering it missing in the car.  I've finally decided, yes, it's her official first word because it has had meaning every time she's said it.

Another reason I've decided to consider "uh" Alli's first word is due to her second word.  Just last week she began using her second word.  Whenever you ask her, "Alli, what's a dog say?" she'll answer, "Woof!"  (Yeah... we couldn't have "woof" be her first word, right?)   Sometimes it comes out sounding like "Boof!" but what dog doesn't also say "boof?" ;)

On Monday morning, Alli took her first steps. In fact, during her very first attempt, she took seven sturdy steps! She looked like she had been walking all along! I think she would have walked farther, but I was only sitting seven steps away from where she left Mike. However, she pretty much went downhill from there. Once she caught on to the fact that she wasn't holding on to anyone, she started wavering and toppling over.  Silly girl!  If only we'd been able to catch her very first steps on camera... boy, would you have been really impressed!!

How big is Alli? Thiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiis big!!!

Monday, June 21, 2010


Exciting morning at the Hanson house today!! And so it begins . . .

Wednesday, June 16, 2010

Our Good-Natured Little Girl

This is Alli, plain and simple.

Always happy!

Sweet pea.

Hugs for my favorite puppy and the bunny that wanted one, too.

Sporting the jellies, just like my Auntie Tiffany!

Captivated by Daddy.

On Saturday we hit Maple Valley Days with Auntie Laura and Baby Julian.  Yes, there was some off-roading involved.

This is what Baby Julian thought about the parade...

...and this is what I thought about the parade.

Maybe next year I'll take a nap beforehand.

Friday, June 11, 2010

And We Call Her...

... Alli Lou Who!

Just bring on the Grinch!!

Watching Daddy mow the lawn.

Gosh, he's good at that.

Sippy cups are for babies!

Wednesday, June 9, 2010

The Great Outdoors

This past weekend we went up to Auntie Tiffany and Uncle Mark's house to celebrate Uncle Mark's accomplishments.  It was such a great day that we spent most of it outside.

Action shot!

Umm... nice hit, Cousin Chase!

Faster, Daddy, faster!

No hands!

Short stuff :)

On Monday, we went on my very first camping trip.

I was such a biiiiiiiiiiiiiiig helper setting up!

Piggy-back rider in training.

It looks like Mom got the light load. ;)


Now this is what I call roughing it!

The Little Explorer

I can't wait to do this again!

Tuesday, June 1, 2010

Our Biggest Shout-Out Yet (because he asked for it)

Oh, I'm definitely a keeper!!!

I wanna go now...

... but I know he'll take me soon!

The best one yet...

Don't you think?

Here's a close-up:

Ladies, any takers???  (Why settle for the park when we have the whole Internet at our fingertips, right?)  Love you, Uncle Chris!!!