Before I begin, let me apologize for taking so long to update our blog; I experienced some frustrating technical difficulties this past month while trying to post this update. Now, let the fun begin!
Alli finished her first year of preschool, and she has really started to come out of her shell. She now asks how to write people's names, and if she doesn't know how to write a letter, she will ask us to show her. She's is fine-tuning her smiley-face, and recently discovered that she can actually color WITHIN the lines! She has avoided coloring inside pictures for fear that she would mess up. (She would then proceed to scribble everywhere outside of the picture, just to prove her point.) My favorite expression right now is, "Mom, I'm learning! I learned!"
Alli picked out the background for her preschool photo. :)
Avery can now blow bubbles like a champ (which is excellent respiratory therapy for her). Her speaking is taking off, and I've lost track of her vocabulary. I took the girls to a playground last night, and as Alli went around to count the slides, she began with, "One..." Then Avery piped up with, "Two... three..." What?! She's been holding out on us! Tonight I asked her to count, and the little stinker counted to 6! I followed with, "Seven," and then she added, "Eight." Amongst all her silliness, it's nice to know she is learning, too! Before we know it, she'll also be saying, "Mom, I'm learning! I learned!"
Mom, quit interrupting our picnic!
Julian is back! Do we ever have a post without sweet Julian in it? I don't think so! :)
Hard at work.
I love Willy!
Wait a minute... you need to wait a few years, buddy!
Auntie Laura made me this dress! Isn't it cute?
Going for a hike at Sharpe Park.
Eagle and Ferry. Mike is pretty proud of this shot!
Deer and Ferry.
Making cupcakes for Daddy's birthday!
Avery's first beater. She figured it out pretty quickly!
Yucky, drizzly day = indoor picnic!
Such a diva.
Mamo and Papa brought Chase and Landon up to the Waterfront Festival!
We made boats, but I wasn't too fond of the hammering.
It floats... just not quite upright!
More beach time! The weather has been so nice!
My crab part collection.
Ah, sweet cooperation!
Caterpillar! Her name is Rapunzel.
I love holding her!
Hey, Uncle Chris, I'm all dressed up and ready to fish!
I got my rod and my bling!
I will dazzle the fish out of the water!
Why are you laughing, Uncle Chris?
We are waiting to Skype with Daddy. Pardon me while I shave.
Daddy's home!
Dance party!
Taking a break.
Hey, Daddy's socks fit me!
They fit me, too!
Laura and Tyler came up (without Julian *gasp*) and our girls were with Mamo and Papa, so this meant a long-overdue, fun-filled, adults-only weekend with my best friend!
We started the weekend out right, wouldn't you agree?
And then we kept it going!
What a fun night!
Again, aw.
(And that's the final picture from that evening that I am willing to share with the world.:)
Whew, all caught up, finally! Our next post will include Alli's birthday (she's turning 4!) and our very first Great Strides Walk for Cystic Fibrosis. We are participating in the Tulalip walk on July 13th, which happens to be Alli's birthday. Avery's Army has already raised over $5,000 for the Cystic Fibrosis Foundation, and we are hoping to raise even more to help find a cure! Thank you, from the bottom of our heart, to all who have donated for Avery's sake. If you would like to donate, you can go to and search for "Avery's Army" under Find a Team or search for Mike Hanson or Heidi Hanson under Find a Walker. We can't possibly thank our family and friends enough for all of your support. Thank you, thank you, thank you. For everything.